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Our 3D models are produced in Autodesk Revit, which can then be used by the entire project team, from the Architects to the contractors. This option of output, over the conventional 2D AutoCAD drawing files can save time and effort from all parts of the construction team. It will allow the designers and contractors to all work simultaneously to save time, reduce risk of errors and allow each section to visualise the project as it is being developed. To ensure we meet all our clients needs we offer our 3D models in 4 Levels of detail. 


LOD - Mass Model - basic 3D solid model showing the outside of the building. It may be suitable to show context


LOD - 2 Basic Model - This is our lowest detail model. It is suitable for buildings which are going to be stripped out or for the most basic concept modelling.


LOD - 3 Standard Model – Our most versatile and cost effective model. It is a starting point for concept design, and has components that will allow you to produce schedules of key building information.


LOD - 4 Detailed Model – This adds further element types particularly focusing on fixed items, services., and greater building detail. It provides a comprehensive starting point for a project

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Level of Detail ​

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