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We’ve got your ground covered, contours and all

Topographical or Land surveys provides a detailed site plan identifying both natural and man-made features. Utilizing precision GPS, Robotic Total Stations and Laser scanning equipment to measure any feature of the built or natural environment quickly, accurately and to the highest standard. The survey data can be delivered in a variety of formats from 2D plans and sections to three dimensional terrain and revit models.

What is a topographical survey 
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A Topographical Survey is an accurate record of the natural and man-made features within a specified area. The purpose of a topographic survey is to collect survey data about the natural and man-made features of the land, as well as its elevations.Shown as three dimensional points all features including the property, land features and physical boundary details are presented on a scaled survey drawing.

The benefits of a topographical survey

topograpical survey  gives an exact idea on where existing features are located – Topographic surveys can map existing features on the land, as well as those that are slightly below or above it, like trees, retaining walls, walkways, manholes, buildings, streets, and utility poles

Why you may need a topographical survey 

A topographical survey is essential when designing a land development project as it will help correctly plan out and coordinate the proposed layouts. Without accurate measurements, it’s difficult to plan a project accurately and safely. The complete plans allow you to see exactly how the existing site is arranged, including positions and associated heights of items.

How we conduct topographical surveys 

A topographical survey is usually carried out by a team of experienced surveyors, armed with equipment including total stations, GPS equipment, laser measurement devices and tape measures. A total station is a tripod mounted device used by surveyors to accurately plot single points which can be joined into lines and arcs to form a drawing of a site.


​Once the required information has been recorded on site, the surveyor returns to their office to draw up the survey using CAD.

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Area & volume calculations

As built survey 

Utility tracing 

Precise monitoring

Setting out 

Boundary survey 

Site section 

Land registry plans 

Motorway surveys 


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